Usually to get an Adsense account, you first go to Then register for an account giving details about your website in which you are going to place the ads. The website you are registering must be older than three months. Then it takes 2-3 buisiness days to review your application. Getting an Adsense account approved from google is very difficult now-a-days. Mostly they disapprove your application for some reason or the other. Even a Blogger account holder usually doesnot get it easily. And it takes more than one year to get approved usually. So here is an easy way to get Adsenese account easily.
- Go to the website This is a website powered by Google Adsense.
- Register for an account in this site.
- After the successful registration, you need to upload images, videos, blogs etc. Other users in Flixya can view the contents uploaded by you.
- Soon after you upload any ten items, the option monetize becomes enabled. When you click the button you are directed to create an Adsense account.
- They give approval very fast. Very fast in the sense, in one or two days.
- In the mean time, you shall upload more contents and browse through other’s contents.
In Flixya, try to add blogs which contains contents written by you, and not copied from others. Also, make sure the photos and videos you upload are not any family-photos or family-videos or similar items which others are less interested.
Once you get an Adsense account approved, you will get a publisher ID, which you can place in any other websites or blogs you want.